A three month private writer’s coaching program to help you master your writing skills with the power of your highest intelligence.

The Highly Intelligent Writer - Private Sessions

This is your chance to write with ease, concise clarity, and a highly evolved voice,

no matter if you’re a skilled or challenged writer.

Imagine this…

Set writing goals that actually come true.

release mental resistance, and allow your highest intelligence to be the writer.

Write well at will

Write better than ever, with ease, more interesting and unique wording, and little to no editing whenever you need to.

Learn mental tricks and traps

No more writer’s block! Learn and practice transcending the resistant activities we unconsciously perform that cause writer’s block and poor writing skills.

Reinforce critical writing skills

Whether you’re a skilled writer or a self-proclaimed “terrible writer”, your existing writing skills will significantly improve through the flow of your highest intelligence. If you need a major skill boost, we will work on that too.

Does this sound familiar?

  • I don’t know where to start… and honestly, writing feels overwhelming.

  • I thought the more skills I learned the better a writer I would’ve become.

  • Between life’s responsibilities I can’t possibly get the writing I need done on time.

  • Editing takes forever.

  • I never know what to write.

  • My website copy sucks. Copywriters are expensive and they won’t write in my authentic voice.

  • Sometimes I need to copy other writers to create my authentic voice… but I want to find my own.

  • I can’t compete with all the existing good writers.

  • I feel there’s a book in me, but I don’t know how to make it happen.

The Highly Intelligent Writer - Private Sessions


A three month private coaching investment to accelerate your writing skills and master a project from your highest intelligence.

This isn’t a coaching offer that teaches you writing skills so you can copy and paste - this is a transformational experience where I guide you on aligning your mind with your highest intelligence so you can access more intelligence from within, without the fluff. Within you is the only place you’re going to write beyond the mind, not limited by only what you think you know.

If you want to create a ripple effect of intellectual impact in all other areas, I can help you with that.  

What’s inside the Highly Intelligent Writer - Private Sessions?

  • Four 60-minute private writing sessions with Victoria, or one of our highly trained tutors

Go within to transform how you write with a customized plan specific to your needs, which may include practices to release resistance, prompts to activate highest intelligence, feedback and skill building to improve writing in any form or specific project so you can unlock your potential.

Whether crafting a book, a persuasive business email, website copy, or the supporting evidence in a critical essay, you will learn how to implement helpful feedback from our experienced writing tutors. Writing skills and concepts include, but are not limited to the following:

• Paragraph structure
• How to write a thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion
• Narrative voice
• Supporting evidence
• Providing analysis
• Figurative language
• Punctuation and spelling
• Editing and revising

  • Three monthly Highest Intelligence writing meetups on Zoom

    Receive exclusive access to once-monthly group sessions led by Victoria where writers will have the opportunity to practice releasing resistance and writing from highest intelligence through fun and revelatory prompts. Or join to get your project done.

And bonuses…

as if the rest is not enough!

  • The Flow Writing Audio Series

    Exclusive to Highly Intelligent Writer students, you will get "Quiet Time" practices and writing prompts in an audio series designed to help you to take a break from your mind to write in flow from your highest intelligence, with fun and revelatory writing exercises.

    After signing up for The Highly Intelligent Writer, you’ll gain access to these bonus audio files right away, which you can either listen to from your laptop or phone, or download to your iTunes account.

  • Flow Writing Journal

    You will receive a beautifully designed printable journal with all of the writing prompts from the Flow Writing Audio Series and space for you to “flow write” during our one-on-one sessions and whenever you’re inspired.

How The Highly Intelligent Writer - Private Sessions Work

Step 1: Join The Highly Intelligent Writer - Private Sessions Waitlist

Sign up to the waitlist and I will send you an email to get set up with payment and scheduling.

Step 2: Check your inbox

Receive confirmation with all of the details you will need to get started.

Step 3: Book Your First Session

Access my calendar to book all four sessions.

Step 4: Enjoy Your Bonuses

You’ll receive your bonuses to get started writing from your highest intelligence immediately!

The Highly Intelligent Writer -

Private Sessions

All That's Included:

  • Four 60-minute Private Coaching Sessions

  • Three Live Monthly Group Zoom Calls

  • The Flow Writing Audio Series

  • The Flow Writing Journal

Are You Ready to become a better writer?

A little about me…

I help you realign with your highest intelligence so you can write beyond the mind intelligently, with no fluff.

Removing blocks, creating ease, and discovering authenticity in voice.

This is what I experienced after decades as a struggling writer who couldn’t improve with traditional support.

Enter my highest intelligence - now books, poetry, website and podcast copy flow effortlessly, with little to no editing.

No more overthinking, getting stuck, or editing while writing.

When I am not coaching others to write from their highest intelligence, you can find me hosting the Dear Intuition podcast intuiting wise advice from my highest intelligence on navigating relationships. Every other day, you’ll find me decorating, planting flowers, and going to classical concerts.

This is for you if you’re burned out by writer’s block, editing, too much writing with too little time, and not being able to write better.

The Highly Intelligent Writer - Private Sessions will challenge you. But in a way that feels right for you, with reminders to pause and ease ahead only in alignment with the power of your highest intelligence.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • After you signup, I will send you times and dates for you to choose all of your sessions. Typically, my schedule is 9am-2pm EST, Monday-Thursday. If the times I send do no work for you, you may email me anytime at hello@victoriafontanaofficial with your schedule request and I will do my best to accommodate it!

  • The live group monthly calls with Victoria are recorded for you to watch anytime.

  • These sessions are designed for entrepreneurs, copywriters, authors, and academic writers.

Never let waiting become a habit

Life is too short and you are the only one who can show up for you to make the changes you dream of. If you’re going to go for it… 

Go. For. It. 

Can’t wait to welcome you into the group