Hi There. 

My name is Victoria. I believe we are born to experience truly loving relationships, we are capable change makers when we align our mind with our intuitive highest intelligence, and it’s a good idea to do things differently than “the way it usually goes.” I’m here to help you align with your innate gifts so you will experience great relationships.

Why? Because the way we do anything comes from how we relate to people. Through others, we shape our understanding of who we think we are - our worth, capability, and sovereignty. So my goal is to help people tap into their intuitive knowledge base - so they can marry the inherent positive truth of themselves with their thinking mind and start building a life that actually works out well, tomorrow. 

We’re so lucky to live at a time where people are celebrated for living from their spiritual gifts - sometimes we have to tell our mind to not worry so it can get out of our way. Useful as the mind is, its limitations keep us stuck.

Before I became an intuitive coach, I struggled stuck in life with my mind in control and limited by my mental capacity - only acting from what I had learned and experienced. When I

discovered that I am not my mind, that it is a conduit for experience, I began to explore life through my highest intelligence.

Then I allowed the world to change around me because I embodied my true gifts - capability, clarity, awareness, calm, confidence, forgiveness, creativity and beauty. I became an intuitive coach, speaker, podcaster, writer, and life strategist. I’ve been a small business owner, an educator, teacher trainer, single girl in Los Angeles, wife in the suburbs, and an avid investor of teaching 1 million people to transform their life from their highest intelligence.

The process of intuitive coaching is one focused on the client’s highest intelligence. It’s my role to be a catalyst and facilitator for their insight and growth. My dream is to see men, women and children living from their whole being - breaking norms, defying expectations, and living in sustainable freedom.

Above all else, I want people to have faith in who they are. Everyone has dreams and a unique personality that can catalyze a new life experience. I love having a job where I can help people create a world they love by the power of their uniqueness and inner resources so they will experience the good life offers.