With eyes wide open or closed, within you have the answers and confidence to disrupt the way your relationships typically go.

Pssst…. Guess what?

Giving up or trying too hard within the parameters of “as good as it gets” won’t bring good relationships with people (and that ultimately affects your relationships to money, career, your body, and anything else because everything is intrinsically connected). And you know there’s another path. You just need to align with resources within to allow the way. 

You know deep inside there are greater experiences to be had than the ordinary.

You’re exhausted struggling to maintain relationships around limitations that control your emotional well being.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You are the source for experiencing self-sovereignty, stability, and success in your relationships.

Within, you have all of the guidance and capability you need to come into awareness to support you in accomplishing what you want.

In a short time you’ll discover the inner resources you need to make a massive impact with people in your life.

Highest Intelligence Coaching Offers

Q1 Mastermind

Day after day, as you’re pulled in many directions wanting change, the cycle seems unending. More effort from the mind is not going to produce ease and prosperity. Now is the time to reward yourself with real results in three months from a supportive energy shift, a productive mindset, and answers on exact guidance from your intuitive highest intelligence.

(One-to-one package offering)

Power Hour

The Power Hour is a 1:1 intuitive coaching session curated to support you to access clarity and guidance and drop mental resistance from within, so you can finally begin taking beneficial action towards changing your relationships to people, business, money, health and more.

(One-to-one solo offering) A perfect trial session to Q1 Mastermind.

Relationship Accelerator

You have the power within to create relationships you adore with people who love you back.

This eight-week program will help you detox heavy emotions, guide you to channel your own highest intelligence, imagine, and take action on manifesting your greatest relationships, all within a supportive community.

(Group offering)

The Highly Intelligent Writer

It is possible to write better than ever with ease, more interesting and unique wording, and little to no editing.

The Highly Intelligent Writer is a three month container for professionals, authors, and students to transform their writing process with their inner resources and the power of their highest intelligence.

(One-to-one package offering)

The Relationship Reading

Get clarity and transformational guidance read from your energy and written in an accessible report, so you can create desired upgrades in relationships.