Understand your personal relationship energy, get answers about your relationships and the challenges you face, and receive guidance on how to change circumstances, in an intuitive reading written specifically from your energy.

The Relationship Reading

Most of us give up on better relationships not knowing what to do differently

because we ask anyone else but our own highest intelligence what to do about our challenges with people.

This leaves us not knowing how to navigate and continuing toxic cycles.

Here’s the good news:

If you ask your intuitive highest intelligence for answers you will get solutions that will completely change the outcome of your relationships. My relationship readings can help you… 

  • Understand exactly why something is happening

  • Know solutions to change circumstances or when to pivot 

  • Get to know how your energy and actions affect your relationships

  • Learn how to be a confident, stable force within any relationship no matter what happens

How do I do this?

Ask the questions and receive the answers written and read from your personal energy.

The answers you seek all come from within YOU.

Through accessing the knowledge from the energy of your highest intelligence, you can gain awareness that allows you to move through challenges into better relationship experiences.


My readings provide knowledge, opportunity for expansion, and a recollection of Spirit within yourself.

They are truly transformational and my clients consistently describe feelings of deep resonance, confidence, peace, and upliftment from a reading seeing their actions within relationships transform.

In your reading you will receive five or more A4 double-spaced typed pages of channeled writing with about more than 1750 words of comprehensive energy reading and guidance in a beautifully designed printable to revisit anytime you need. The guidance will include an overall snapshot of your energy in relationships, deep answers to 10 questions on relationships to people (and you may also include questions on your relationships to money, career, yourself, etc), and an action task list guiding you for your evolution towards the aligned relationship(s) you want to experience.

All for $185



“The reading was beautiful. Much like reading a letter written by your deep inner self. It's that person that we muffle with our day-to-day existence. The reading was clear and encouraging to listen deeper from within. A beautiful gentle reminder.”

JR Markwell

“My reading was exceptional. The amount of detail and information that deeply resonated was like nothing I’ve experienced. It’s clear Victoria has a very honed gift/skill. Her reading has given me confidence, a fresh perspective on so many things I’ve been wondering about and a new way to view my life moving forward that feels exciting, attainable, and most importantly, real. I can’t thank you enough for the clarity and depth of understanding some things I have not been able to decipher on my own. An invaluable, heartfelt experience. Thank you, thank you!”

R Elizabeth

Understand your thoughts and patterning so you can learn how to shift your energy to rejuvenate your confidence to meet people who truly match the vision you have for yourself.

You don’t have to suffer unnecessarily never knowing what to do, giving too much with little reciprocity, feeling emotionally unstable and attracting the same people in the same relationship patterns over and over again.   

Ever again.

Can’t wait to get to read your unique and beautiful energy.

Get ready for elevated relationships and a more confident you.

Step 1: Book your reading by clicking the button below.

Step 2: Select any time slot that is available to you (my readings are not face to face, so the time itself is not important).

Step 3: Fill out the provided form and send me 10 of your most burning relationship questions (about people, money, body, life, yourself, etc).

Step 4: Enjoy your channeled energy reading sent directly to your inbox the same day as your scheduled time slot!

Ask anything!

Sample questions include…

  • I have had trouble changing in relationships and I feel very unclear and uncentered. What work do I need to do to begin working on changing things?

  • I don’t feel ready to date, but I want a partner. How do I reconcile my feelings and why do I have fear?

  • Can you tell me about my ideal partnership? What do I really want?

  • Help me understand the energy of my family and why I feel resistance towards them?

  • Why have I experienced a lifelong struggle to make and keep close friendships?.

  • How may I change my relationship to money?

  • What are the origins/ the reason of my relationship to my body?

A little about me…

Victoria Fontana helps you realign with your highest intelligence so you will create the life you love.

As a Highest Intelligence Coach and Reader, Victoria has worked with countless people from all over the world to redefine how they approach their relationships to people, money, academics, and ultimately themselves.

Experienced in transcending personal challenges with early-childhood trauma, mental health, divorce, parenting, spirituality, and finances she brings a nonjudgmental openness to her work.

When Victoria is not coaching, you can find her hosting the Dear Intuition podcast intuiting wise advice from her highest intelligence on navigating relationships. Every other day, you’ll find her decorating, tending to her flower garden, and going to concerts.

Still wondering if this is right for you?

The Relationship Reading is a good fit if you want to get intel from your intuition to start better relationships, tomorrow. 

It’s curated to help you gain clarity and guidance meant for you now so you can move through challenges and stop creating the same ones again. 



“Victoria! You are 100% correct. You were able to precisely pick up on the energy of the situation and explain everything to me in a clear and honest way.”


“Everything resonated with me so much. The part about following my purpose and trusting the signs as feelings when I’m in alignment was so helpful to me. I feel so much more confident and aware of how to chart a path forward!”

A Benjamin

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please select ANY time slot that is available to you (my readings are not face-to-face, so the time itself is not important, e.g. you could be asleep!)

    I connect with your name and your resources of energy - your highest Self and Spirit guides. 

    I will channel from your energy and write a comprehensive energy reading that I will email to you.

  • You will receive five or more A4 double-spaced typed pages of channeled writing with about more than 1750 words of comprehensive energy reading and guidance in a beautifully curated document. The guidance will include an overall snapshot of your energy in relationships to people, answers to 10 questions (on people, money, career, yourself, life, etc.), and a channeled action task list for your personal energy guiding you for your evolution towards the aligned relationship(s) you want to experience.

  • To prepare for the reading, please send me 10 questions (on relationships to people, money, career, yourself, etc.) within the form provided that you want guidance for any relationship(s) you need support with.

  • As with any energy reader, future predictions can only tell you possibilities from the momentum of your energy now because YOU have the power to change the course. Relationship readings are designed to help you understand yourself better and guide you to align your mind with your energy to the best of your ability. This way you are in the driver's seat of your life. No one can make certain predictions for you when the energy and manifestation of an outcome is still able to change. A reading supports you to change the momentum of your energy to provide positive outcomes of what you need and want.

Have Questions?

Reach out anytime to hello@victoriafontanaofficial.com

or DM to me on Instagram @victoriafontana_official


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