Drop resistance to dating the people you really want and experience the internal shifts it takes to present your truest, most confident self.

Relationship Accelerator

Trigger Warning: I’m about to be really upfront, so be prepared as you read on.

Most relationships will end in drama.

Which breaks my heart because there are a lot of good people out there who deserve to love and be loved.

(Frankly, the world would be a better place if people stayed together to grow WITH each other.)

But you have the power within to skip the drama & create relationships you adore with people who can love you back.

You probably got the hint by now that acting as a great person won’t automatically give you great relationships. And unfortunately you’ve got a personal development world that relies heavily on

What everyone needs to DO,

not on what YOU need to do and feel… and how to do it. 

Which leaves you trying harder, with no sustainable results.

Because it’s not just about what you do.

That problem creates an environment where it’s too easy to give up, leaving a trail of chaos behind.

Let me guess why you’re here… 

You’re resistant to dating

and you’re scared and burned-out, but you know in your heart that there are better experiences to have because people are truly having them.

You know you’re a lovable person, but you keep attracting challenging people

and you need to pay attention to why your exhausting efforts are not being reciprocated,

because one more bad breakup might send you over the “too tired for toxic” edge.

So far nothing anyone tells you to do has worked

& there’s nowhere else to turn but within, which is what your gut has been telling you all along.

And you want to learn how I went from alone to magnetic, confident, and really freakin’ comfortable with my truest self !

by transcending resistance from my mind through my highest intelligence.

Eight years ago I started a journey of letting in my highest intelligence.

I resisted everything I knew was right to do. But I finally let go of mental resistance and I am so glad I did.

If you’re anything like me when I started this journey maybe you’ve thought…

  • Will my partner come back into my life… When will I meet “the one”... Are my standards too high

  • Why do people play games… Am I the problem…?

  • I feel so lonely. 

You’ve come to the right place.  

I have helped countless people find more success and fulfillment in relationships and I’m here to help you do the same through the power of your highest intelligence. 

Whether you are partnered, perpetually single, or struggling with co-workers, friends, and family - I will guide you within to your highest intelligence to show you the way.

Hey… guess what? You really can have wonderful relationships. With all of the really kind, generous, and good people that exist, you just need the right strategy and guidance to create relationships with people you adore and who can love you back!

Hello! I’m Victoria Fontana

I help successful “over-doers” release resistance to create big benefits by aligning with their intuition, what I call the highest intelligence. 

Seven years ago I began writing from my highest intelligence, in words that felt like my soul was guiding me.

It became increasingly clear that those words of wisdom were really from me, but not the mentally restricted aspect of me.

As I released mental resistance, I began an amazing journey. Negative people seemingly “fell” away. Fantastic, incredible ones came in.

The relationships that remain feel good and grow with me.

I now tap into my highest intelligence to know who is worth my precious time and energy… and who is not. No relationship is any longer only there to teach me lessons. I get to enjoy people. And they enjoy my company more.

I’m on a mission to start a movement of beautiful human beings who are stepping into their power and choosing exactly who they want to spend their life around.

This isn’t luck.

This is feel-good, easeful, get through the tough stuff faster than ever alignment.

People all crave the same thing. We want to love. We want a community of people who acknowledge, “I care about you.” “I hear you.” “You don’t have to be perfect to me for me to treat you with love and kindness.

I want to show you how to get into alignment with your body and your highest intelligence so that you can begin curating the internal confidence and the community who can see you and who can be in your light.

And then I’ll support you by your side as you actually do it. 

You will be amazed at what’s possible.

This is just the beginning.

Curating a community of loving relationships isn’t something that happens by sitting on the couch.

But it’s 1000% worth the journey. We are talking about building beautiful partnership, kindness from anyone in your sphere, healthy boundaries, and opportunities for great self-expansion during this one chance you get at creating a life on your terms. 

You know what happens when you finally align with your highest intelligence in relationships?

You get excited about the lovely people you meet everywhere you go and “bless and release” the people who leave.

You benefit by building self-worth and releasing fears that hold you back, which will also affect health, work, and every other aspect of your life. Bonus!

You grow in all of your relationships and enjoy more of the time you spend with people.


Imagine being able to say, “My partner is so amazing.” “I have friends who “get” me, IRL.” “I like spending time with my family because I understand them better.” Then imagine how many people will change within the expansion of your energy.

Imagine where your life could be in just one year from now… imagine the love you will experience. Every. Damn. Day!

Just because you made one simple decision to open your life to your highest intelligence.


Relationship Accelerator


Join me inside this live 8 week experience where I will share the step-by-step process for having healthy relationships.

This isn’t a self-help course that teaches you some basics about relationships and your psyche and wishes you good luck - this is a transformational experience where I guide you on aligning with your highest intelligence so you actually meet people who will get to know the authentic you.

If you want to make meaningful relationships that create a ripple effect of impact in your life and others, I can help you with that.  

What’s inside Relationship Accelerator?

  • 8 live group coaching calls with Victoria 

  • Guided workbooks and exercises to accelerate progress

  • Accountability Pods and Private Members Facebook Group

  • Lifetime Access to Program Materials

  • 1

    Detox heavy emotions

    How we interact with people and how people interact with us begins in the body with a thought. It’s important to detox heavy emotions so we are in charge of our actions.

    In addition to helping you get in control of yourself through the body, I’ll walk you through how to continuously stay in charge of the mind/body/emotional cycle in specific relationships so you’re influencing yourself in relationships, not the other way around.

  • 2

    Learn to access your highest intelligence (HI)

    It’s time to bring your HI to life in your journey through relationships.

    We’ll cover how to prepare the mind and body for enhancing your highest intelligence, identify different ways HI comes through, tell the difference from it and the mind, why your HI differs from conventional ideas of intuition, instinct, how to use it for interacting with people, and begin gaining intelligent insight.

  • 3

    Get Answers and Guidance About Relationship Challenges

    Access your highest intelligence to ask questions and get guidance on specific relationships in your life so you can gain clarity and know how to move forward.

  • 4

    Know exactly Who and What You Want

    If you want healthy, stable relationships you have to know them when you see them. Or the good ones for you will pass you by.

    This starts by knowing exactly what you want. From your highest intelligence, you will identify exactly who you want in your life and what you want to experience on a soul level.

    Then I will guide you to see the possibilities of how those relationships can play out, energetically.

  • 5

    Know Your Value

    If you want to be seen and heard in your relationships, you must see and hear yourself. Or you’ll reject goodness when it comes. Through your highest intelligence, you will get to know your value as a person, learn what unique value you have to offer the people in your life, how to show up in your best light for the people in your life, and those who are yet to come.

  • 6

    Build Healthy Partnerships by Attracting With Social

    It’s time to find people to build your community! I’ll share the most effective approaches for promoting your authentic persona and growing your community through social apps. We will also learn how to leverage social apps to continue to nurture and grow your preferred community: dating, friendship, professional, etc.

  • 7

    Meet the People You Crave

    In the program we dedicate lots of time to getting physically, mentally, and energetically ready to build healthy relationships! In addition to covering the most powerful ways you can leverage yourself to create healthy partnerships, we will also talk about how to attract people so they say YES to being around you!

    Stick with me and I’ll show you how your highest intelligence can be the entire engine for you to have the most exciting, expansive, loving relationships that you want!

  • 8

    Evaluate, Nurture, and Sustain

    The best time to get people to know the real you is at the beginning when you’re both getting to know one other authentically. But there are situations that inevitably come up to know how to navigate to make sure you both stay available and interested in each other. You don’t want to keep making the same mistakes. I’ll help you know how to stay on track for stability.

How The Relationship Accelerator Works

Full Class and Small Pod Experience

Members will work within both a large group and small group pod settings throughout the course.

Large group classes and coaching calls with Victoria take place weekly. These sessions are recorded for those who can’t attend live, and they happen between two available time slots each week to accommodate different time zones and schedules. 

Members are also placed in a small pod of about 4 to 5 people.

You will be placed in a pod that has similar time zone preferences and have weekly pod meetings most weeks of the course.

Your fellow pod members are new friends to build relationships and practice your highest intelligence skills with. 

Relationship Accelerator Call Experience

Join me each week live. There will be two available time slots to accommodate different time zones.

Day and Times To Be Announced Late 2024

“I had to go through a deep growing process to even show up for you…”

My highest intelligence has created so much expansion and abundance in my life, which is why I want to guide you to yours.

Ironically, my ability to have healthy relationships and quickly adapt through challenging interactions came from years of solo self-work. 

It was hard to do it all alone. On my own, I resisted change because I didn’t have the trust and foresight to do it differently. 

My mind all by its lonesome couldn’t believe how good it was all meant to be! If only I had the tools and community to be there to help me push through my strong mind.

For years it wasn’t enough for me to receive neither a clear vision in a dream of my calling to support people in their relationships, nor see written all over my astrological chart the call to work with intuition and on relationships with others.

And through that insight it’s such a gift to now know how to support you with the tools I wish I had. A clear plan, the knowledge for how to guide you to your highest intelligence, the experience of moving through many different kinds of relationships, and the trust that a supportive community exists. 

All relationships can either be challenging for our spiritual evolution or simply phenomenal. And I want to show you how to create them in a way that allows you to move through challenges resiliently and reap rewards faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Congrats on building partnership! The next step is to reassess and realign what you are doing and how to improve it. I will be guiding you to your highest intelligence to shed light on what you need to change so you can shift gears and make a big impact. 

  • Yes. Every module is crafted towards strengthening and creating all relationships, including romantic, friendship, co-working, familial, and general - like with strangers we encounter on the subway and neighbors in our community. 

  • All of the calls will be recorded and available for you within 24 hours after the live session for you to watch anytime.

    You will also be part of a smaller accountability group for your support and practice that you will meet at a time that is right for you.

    In addition, you will receive guided workbooks and exercises to accelerate progress, and access to a private Members Facebook Group.

  • You have lifetime access to all the live session recordings and course materials.

Join the waitlist for the next round of

Relationship Accelerator when we open the doors in late 2024