Q1 Mastermind

A three month intuitive coaching program for you to master your mind and guide yourself with your highest intelligence.

Create tangible results, report and record results to set trends for the rest of your year.

This is your chance for the energy you pour out to give you what you need and want,

even as you care for a whole bunch of sweet others.

Imagine this…

Set goals that actually come true

Develop a plan, reinforce critical life behaviors, learn mental tricks and traps, and alchemize resistant energy to make goals happen.

Feel good at will

You’re done feeling anxious, depressed, triggered and in fear; emotional states that keep you repeating negative cycles. 

Release resistant thoughts and change your energy. When you take charge of your emotional state you CAN feel stable within relationships, health, career, and finances.

Get clarity and guidance from your highest intelligence.

You’re ready to change how you see your world through the lens of your own highest intelligence so you can begin making the best choices for outcomes that bring in more opportunities to become the rock-steady you wish to be.

Leverage supportive community

We really can’t do it all alone. Finally, a close-knit, safe, and trustworthy community to lean on and talk about transforming well being, finances, alignment, parenting, transcending limitations, and trusting your highest intelligence.

How do I get a handle on this?

  • You thought the harder you tried the more opportunity would present itself. But life feels like a big ocean you can’t see across, and you’re in it treading water. 

  • Between juggling mental wellness, career, family, household, and (goodness!) life’s ups and downs, of course you feel like you can’t get a hold on… and never mind ahead!

But… guess what?

  • You don’t need someone to jump in and save you. You need to guide yourself within from your highest intelligence. 

  • There’s a lot of opportunity for you. When you act from what you don’t yet know you know (your intelligence within) you’ll be the stable force who can create a better life.

  • It’s time to pause, breathe and allow your inner wisdom to be heard so you can discover the steps to begin feeling and seeing the capability inside you.

Q1 Mastermind


A quarterly period to accelerate the rest of your year - guide yourself from within towards capability, security, and the freedom that you were always meant to experience, by you truly mastering your mind.

This isn’t a coaching offer that teaches you self-help hacks so you can feel better - this is a transformational experience where I guide you on aligning your mind with your highest intelligence so you can get guided (and take charge of your emotional state) from within. Within you is the only place you’re going to get guidance that’s for you, not limited by only what your mind (or someone else’s mind) knows.

If you want to create a ripple effect of impact in all areas of your life, I can help you with that.  



“I had a lovely session with Victoria. I was challenged at first; who really takes the time to ask ourselves sensitive questions and reflect on what we think and feel? Victoria was an energy field of love and acceptance. Something was stirred in me; I opened up and focused on ‘feeling’ versus ‘thinking’. When cathartic tears flow, you know your time together was meaningful and insightful.”

Kat Correa @YourInspiredWords

“My one on one intuitive call with Victoria was just what I needed to help me move forward on my path towards my purpose. She helped me articulate why I have been stuck by bringing out my inner voice to speak without my mind getting in the way. She is so giving in her love and energy, and creates a safe space for you to open up and let your true self emerge. Through our call, tears flowed that I gained clarity that I just need to trust and receive. Thank you Victoria!”


What’s inside

Q1 Mastermind?

  • Four 60-minute private coaching sessions

Go within to transform your emotional state and gather answers you need to make power moves in each one hour session.

Join me for open-conversation & hot-seat coaching between my highest intelligence and yours, intuitive writing, and energy transforming practices.

  • Monthly group calls

These are once-monthly calls where you’ll get to listen to your fellow community, get walked through their action plan,... and have a chance to jump in and be intuitively coached.  You’ll have the opportunity to dive deeper, and move through some of your trickiest hurdles you meet on a daily basis.

  • Channeled Energy Reading

Get clarity and guidance on a specific topic. Receive a 3-4 A4 page, 1500 word, overview of your energy, answers to 6-10 of your burning questions on one topic of choice, and an action guidance list - all read from the energy of your highest intelligence written by me at the beginning of your year-long journey.

  • Private support inside Voxer

Everyday I communicate with my highest intelligence through journaling. “How do I get out of this jam? Is this solution right? Why am I so insecure about this?”

Daily access and advice, led by Victoria with weekly highest intelligence guidance and intuitive journaling prompts read by the current energy of that time.

And bonuses…

as if the rest is not enough!

  • The Readings Vault: Guidance, Practices and Prompts

    Exclusive for the Q1 Mastermind group, you’ll get my supportive energy readings, alignment practices, and journal prompts each season to make your actions move into greater momentum.

  • Aligning Dinner Recipe Kit

    Save time, energy, money, your health and the planet with a beautifully designed printable card kit of 14 quick, easy, and plentiful plant-based recipes I cook on rotation for my family every week.

How Q1 Mastermind Works

Step 1: Join Q1 Mastermind

Sign up to begin this experience.

Step 2: Check your inbox

Receive confirmation with all of the details you will need to get started.

Step 3: Book Your First Session

Access my calendar to start accessing your highest intelligence ASAP

Step 4. Say Hello.

Join the conversation in the community on Voxer.

Members have faced instability of finances, divorce, single-parenthood, depression and anxiety, health issues, grief, big moves, entrepreneurship, dissolving friendships and family structures, and more. 

Whatever cycle you are going through, a safe group of kind-hearted people is here for you.

Inside Q1 Mastermind

All That's Included:

  • Four 60-minute Private Coaching Sessions

  • Full Written Energy Reading

  • Three Live Monthly Group Zoom Calls

  • Daily Private Support Inside Voxer

  • Written Energetic Guidance, Alignment Practices, and Journal Prompts Each Season

  • Aligning Dinner Recipe Kit

Are You Ready to Show Up For Your Future?

A little about me…

Victoria Fontana helps you realign with your highest intelligence so you will create the life you love.

As a Highest Intelligence Coach and Reader, Victoria has worked with countless people from all over the world to redefine how they approach their relationships to people, money, academics, and ultimately themselves.

Experienced in transcending personal challenges with early-childhood trauma, mental health, divorce, parenting, spirituality, and finances she brings a nonjudgmental openness to her work.

When Victoria is not coaching, you can find her hosting the Dear Intuition podcast intuiting her wise advice from her highest intelligence on navigating relationships. Every other day, you’ll find her decorating, planting flowers, and going to concerts.

This is for you if you’re burned out by neverending responsibilities, everything around you needs a supportive boost, and you are ready for a new way of life to feel better in alignment, guided by your highest intelligence.

Q1 Mastermind will challenge you. But in a way that feels right for you, with reminders to pause and ease ahead only in alignment with the power of your highest intelligence.


“Victoria facilitates intuitive writing sessions which support development of self awareness and inner reflection. I received and amazing session from her last week. She creates a very nurturing space (online) which felt natural and helped me to gain insight I hadn’t - realised before - empowering.”

E Pugh

Frequently Asked Questions

  • After I open the doors to Q1 Mastermind, I will send a schedule to everyone on the list. If the times do no work for you, you may email me anytime at hello@victoriafontanaofficial with your schedule request and I will do my best to accommodate it!

  • The live group monthly calls with Victoria are recorded for you to watch anytime.

  • It's normal to question the worth of an investment when you rely on its transformational impact. The feeling you have is you stepping out of your comfort zone, and the work you desire to do is too precious to ignore.

    If you are ready to show up for yourself and take action on the work we will do together to release resistance, read the energy of your highest intelligence, and take new and bold action, it will transform your life.

    Another question to ask is, "Can you afford NOT to show up for yourself?" Can you continue to repeat the same negative patterns and stay stagnant in the limitations you're already experiencing? You know well that nothing changes on its own. We must participate in doing things differently.

    That time can start right NOW.

Never let waiting become a habit

Life is too short and you are the only one who can show up for you to make the changes you dream of. If you’re going to go for it… 

Go. For. It. 

Can’t wait to welcome you into the group