If anyone else had the answers, you’d always know why and what to do. Right?

Let go of toxic wondering and go within for the best advice


The Power Hour

It’s a good time to ask your own highest intelligence for ultimate clarity and good guidance

and then you can easily find freedom, experience flow, and have more fun.

Imagine this…

You ask a question and get an answer that feels right in your body.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel secure in decision making, and know that your choice is for your highest good?

As you lean into your highest intelligence and allow your mind to relax, you’ll notice synchronicities.

You will begin to trust yourself and stop feeling alone in the chaos that life can feel like. (You’ll realize that the chaos was just created from a lack of trust anyway.)

Anxieties will naturally dissolve

as you opt for going within to release resistant thoughts and get clarity and guidance, instead of tirelessly seeking outside of yourself. 

How do I get a handle on this?

You want answers, but you’ve asked enough people to know they don’t have them. 

You’ve struggled, sat in overwhelm, dealt with instability, and now you’re done fighting for the world to adjust to what you need

Here’s the catch: if you keep looking to others to tell you what you need and what to do, you’re going to continue spiraling into overwhelm.

So, now what?

You’ve repeated cycles so many times, you can teach a masterclass on how life will continue. 

Have you so far settled for the way things are? Troubled by the past and alerted by how it seeps into your daily life? Constantly circumventing challenges that you can’t control? Exhausted and wondering how you’re going to get ahead when you keep getting behind?

Stop the repetition. Stop the outside inquiry. Stop believing that nothing can change. The last stop is within you

Some call “within you” intuition. I call it your highest intelligence. Whatever you call it, it is a treasure trove of clarity and guidance.

The good news is, your intuitive nudges that tell you there’s more to life are true. You know it but you’ve challenged that feeling. It’s not a lie. 

Juggling solutions. Turning away towards a safe place for answers that work. Picking yourself up to flow through challenges. Settling for emotional management. Arming yourself in the chaos as a self-sovereign creator.

This is the new way to be.

When you book a session, here’s what to expect:

  • To begin our 60-minute private Zoom session

we’ll have a brief chat from your mind about what’s been challenging you and your desires for outcomes.

  • Then I’ll lead you to calm your nervous system

with a process of meditation that’s right for you so we can enter into a conversation with your highest intelligence.

  • During the session

    I will guide you to release and shift resistant energy & get clarity and guidance from your Highest Intelligence in collaboration with me.

  • After the session

you’ll receive a video and audio recording of what comes through your highest intelligence to listen back and ingest later.

  • You’ll also receive

a beautifully designed printable via email with the written answers and guidance from your highest intelligence that you can print out to keep handy for quick reference. 

Would you like some bonuses?

When you book a session, you will also receive…

  • A Month of Nervous System Alignment Practices

    The first step to regularly accessing your highest intelligence is to integrate a nervous system calming lifestyle. This package includes 31 practices in a gorgeous printable to help you feel good and balanced daily.

  • A Beautifully Curated Journal with Prompts

    Access your highest intelligence and keep it handy with this elegantly designed printable booklet of channeled questions to help you get to know yourself and what you want.



“I had a lovely session with Victoria. I was challenged at first; who really takes the time to ask ourselves sensitive questions and reflect on what we think and feel? Victoria was an energy field of love and acceptance. Something was stirred in me; I opened up and focused on ‘feeling’ versus ‘thinking’. When cathartic tears flow, you know your time together was meaningful and insightful.”

Kat Correa @YourInspiredWords

“My one on one intuitive call with Victoria was just what I needed to help me move forward on my path towards my purpose. She helped me articulate why I have been stuck by bringing out my inner voice to speak without my mind getting in the way. She is so giving in her love and energy, and creates a safe space for you to open up and let your true self emerge. Through our call, tears flowed that I gained clarity that I just need to trust and receive. Thank you Victoria!”


How The Power Hour Highest Intelligence Works

Step 1: Choose a date and time.

After that, fill out the form with basic details.

Step 2: Open your confirmation email

and start enjoying your bonuses today.

Everything Included:

All for $222

  • 60-minute private session

  • Audio recording

  • Email script

  • Nervous System Alignment Practices

  • Highest Intelligence Printable Journal

One hour can be a life affirming experience that may open new doors.

A little about me…

Victoria Fontana helps you realign with your highest intelligence so you will create the life you love.

As a Highest Intelligence Coach and Reader, Victoria has worked with countless people from all over the world to redefine how they approach their relationships to people, money, academics, and ultimately themselves.

Experienced in transcending personal challenges with early-childhood trauma, mental health, divorce, parenting, spirituality, and finances she brings a nonjudgmental openness to her work.

When Victoria is not coaching, you can find her hosting the Dear Intuition podcast where she intuits wise advice from her highest intelligence on navigating relationships and life. Every other day, you’ll find her redecorating, planting flowers, and writing at her favorite coffee shop.

Still wondering if this is right for you?

The Power Hour is a good fit if you want to get answers from your intuition with ease. 

It’s curated to help you gain clarity, drop resistance, and practice getting into alignment to finally move through challenges. 



“Victoria facilitates intuitive writing sessions which support development of self awareness and inner reflection. I received and amazing session from her last week. She creates a very nurturing space (online) which felt natural and helped me to gain insight I hadn’t - realised before - empowering.”

E Pugh

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is an hour dedicated to you for releasing emotional blocks and reading energy from your intuitive highest intelligence to answer any questions you have so you can receive clarity and guidance on any topic or challenge you have.

  • My method focuses on energy clearing and energy reading, which traditional coaching and therapy sessions do not include.

    My hope is that someday they will!

  • Just have an idea of what situations you want to move through or get clarity on in the session - some ideas include business, relationships, finances, self-support, and life in general. You will get to let go and enjoy just showing up, without preparing anything ahead of time.

  • No. If you're willing to trust me with your questions and your energy, I'm going to show up for you with a safe and non-judgmental presence. We can release and read the energy of whatever presses on you and on what you feel comfortable bringing up.

Never let waiting become a habit

Life is too complicated and you are the only one who has the answers you crave. If you’re going to go for it… 

Go. For. It. 

Can’t wait to get to experience the inner you (the real you).